
Web Hosting Vs. Domain Hosting – Asia Travel Blog

Domain hosting and web hosting are very similar, as they are two distinct kinds of services for hosting websites.

The video below will provide differentiators between these two kinds of hosting services.

Domain hosting allows you to host the domain name www.mywebsite.com users can utilize to look up information regarding the website, and web hosting gives you a place to save content, such as pictures or videos as well as text to your website’s internet servers.

When a visitor enters a domain name in the web browser, the domain name transforms into the IP address of your website hosting company’s server, which transmits the information from your site back to the browser.

The web hosting server can use both shared and dedicated computing resources for hosting your website. A dedicated server for web hosting provides more security and speed and a shared web hosting server is best for sites that are operating in a pinch for funds.

If you’ve got any other concerns about the differences between hosting for domains and websites contact us via the comment section below.

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